Does Bandh really solve the problems?

Does Bandh really solve the problems?

July 5th 2010. Call was given by opposition parties in India, especially by NDA and CPM with their allies, against price rise. They argued that the present government is anti-poor and not checked the price rise.

Agreed, the prices are rising. But wasn't it rising when they were in power? What did they do at that time? Has Bharat bandh brought the prices down the next day?
The answer is No.

On the contrary, these bandh, which were meant to be pro poor, was done all the wrong things. The prices increased double fold on next day. The vandalism done by the parties, has to be mended with tax payers money, which could have been used for some constructive work.

Some people enjoyed the extended holiday with their family, sitting at home and spending time with family. The political parties which have done the big hoopla were at dinner party enjoying their so called success. However the poor, who has to work daily for survival, had to go to bed with empty stomach.

The Bandh, given by the Mahatma was not meant to settle the personal scores. At British Raj, the bandh never disrupted the public life. Moreover it was peaceful and the protester belonged to the poor section.

So one can argue, do we need to sit mute and not to protest. The answer is NO. Bandh is not a solution. Instead of that why not all parties sit together and find a solution. There are other ways to show frustration. In the current transparent world, web and media has the biggest reach. Why not galvanize the public support and show the displeasure.


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